Thank you for this update which made "Brick 1 x 3" available under CC-BY 4.0. Here is an updated list of top-missing parts sorted by aggregated popularity according to how often they are used in models from
The first column has the part that is blocking all parts in the list at the end of each line. The number in the second column is the cumulative popularity of the parts in the list. So according to this data, the top missing part is "Plate 2 x 2 with Groove with 1 Centre Stud".
The remaining parts more and more look like "niche" parts. I'm tempted to drop the non-free ldraw-parts package in Debian and just continue maintaining the ldraw-parts package only containing CC-BY 4.0 licensed parts in Debian "main".
Thank you!
parts/3068b.dat 14470 ['87580', '6253']
p/beamhol2.dat 9238 ['32294', '2905', '32017', '11126', '32250', '32251', '11478', '32449', '2825']
parts/96910.dat 7065 ['99563']
parts/s/41770s01.dat 7046 ['41769', '41770']
p/wpin2a.dat 4714 ['2926', '4488', '2484c01', '30277', '65202', '2441', '21445', '18892', '24055', '4600', '30278c01']
parts/s/54383s01.dat 3625 ['54383', '54384']
parts/3873.dat 2503 ['15379']
parts/s/3678bs01.dat 2417 ['3678b']
parts/s/92947s00.dat 2220 ['92947']
parts/s/87747s00.dat 2127 ['87747']
parts/s/87544s01.dat 1906 ['87544']
parts/s/3038s01.dat 1883 ['3038']
parts/3711.dat 1765 ['14696']
parts/s/30363s01.dat 1656 ['30363']
parts/s/3648s01.dat 1617 ['24505', '46224c01', '3648b', '6573', '3648a']
parts/s/3648s02.dat 1513 ['24505', '3648a', '3648b']
parts/s/30364s01.dat 1479 ['30364', '54671', '47975', '30365']
parts/s/43898s01.dat 1462 ['43898']
parts/s/48170s01.dat 1413 ['48170', '48171', '48169']
parts/s/48170s08.dat 1297 ['48170', '47452', '47431', '47432', '47454', '48171']
The first column has the part that is blocking all parts in the list at the end of each line. The number in the second column is the cumulative popularity of the parts in the list. So according to this data, the top missing part is "Plate 2 x 2 with Groove with 1 Centre Stud".
The remaining parts more and more look like "niche" parts. I'm tempted to drop the non-free ldraw-parts package in Debian and just continue maintaining the ldraw-parts package only containing CC-BY 4.0 licensed parts in Debian "main".
Thank you!