Elliptical torus-es?

RE: Elliptical torus-es?
Well, I started work on the G, and quickly realized my problem…its curves don't all have the same center and the scale factors aren't symmetrical. So I'm guessing it won't be possible to torus-ize the whole letter without normalizing the geometry…

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Elliptical torus-es? - by N. W. Perry - 2023-12-13, 2:02
RE: Elliptical torus-es? - by N. W. Perry - 2023-12-13, 14:35
RE: Elliptical torus-es? - by Magnus Forsberg - 2023-12-13, 16:23
RE: Elliptical torus-es? - by N. W. Perry - 2023-12-17, 4:41
RE: Elliptical torus-es? - by N. W. Perry - 2023-12-18, 4:40

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