Working with primitives in Patterns

Working with primitives in Patterns
I admit, I don't have any clue how primitives work.
Chris suggested that I should change some circles made of triangles with primitives in one of my patterns.

So I tried that. The first thing that confused me is that I can't adjust the width of rings. A ring with the radius of 1 is too big, 2 ist too small.

Then, how can I assure that the primitives don't overlap? I can't select the vertices to see their position, so I don't know if the ring I put in another ring has the right size.

Then I finally got the first primitives in the right position (a circle, a ring and a squarecirclethingy around it) connected these with triangles with the rest of the pattern and checked that with edger2. The pattern looks right, the primitives look right. Just the connection between both: unmatched edges around the squarecirclethingy. How do i avoid that?

Seriously, I hate primitives as much as condlines.
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Working with primitives in Patterns - by Daniel Goerner - 2012-05-25, 17:22

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