Solved Making stickers from scratch

RE: Making stickers from scratch
Setting Y=1 was the right thing to do: The standard value of the matrix. Sometimes copying and paste scaled cylinders or boxes or ... to get their position and size and converting it to a flat prim this error happens and people wonder why.


* Delete the 0 // Inlined: comments. They are no longer needed.
* Clean your code. It is good practis to group all conds at the bottom. Play with the Select... menu in the 3D Editor to select them all of them at once. Then cut and paste.

Time to BFC your sticker:

* Select Green Frontfaces / Red Backfaces or alternativily Special Cond. Line Mode - in the 3D Editor
* All triangles, quads, prim with the wrong BFC winding show up red
* Select the triangles/quads/prim and hit Swap BFC Winding (J) in the - in the 3D Editor
* You could also rearrange the order of the triples in the Text Editor or for example mirror a prim via its matrix by working for example on the Y value by adding a minus:

1 16 -17.5 0 17.5 -1.5 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 1.5 1-4chrd.dat

At the end of the process NO red triangles/quads/prim can be seen

LEGO ergo sum
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RE: Making stickers from scratch - by Willy Tschager - 2023-03-31, 11:17

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