LDView Different behaviour between command line and call from php application

Different behaviour between command line and call from php application

When I create a snapshot from the command line, like so:

C:\>LDView64.exe "temp_3001-4.ldr" -SaveSnapshot="3001-4.png"

then LDView uses all the settings and preferences which I defined previously via the GUI.

When I use the same command from within a php application like so:

PHP Code:
('LDView64.exe "temp_3001-4.ldr" -SaveSnapshot="3001-4.png"');

then LDView obviously uses default paramters. What could be a reason for this behaviour. Maybe an issue with environment variables?


PS: I tried some additional command line preferences to overcome the issue:

PHP Code:
('LDView64.exe -SaveZoomToFit=1 -SaveAlpha=1 -AutoCrop=1 -EdgeThickness=5 "temp_3001-4.ldr" -SaveSnapshot="3001-4.png"');

but not every setting can be controlled via Command line preferences (Edge Lines on, FieldOfView=0.1, Texture Studs off). Or did I miss something?
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Different behaviour between command line and call from php application - by Hans Willison - 2023-03-11, 8:43

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