Sloped Minifig Leg 3817b is wrong

RE: Sloped Minifig Leg 3817b is wrong
(2022-12-19, 13:50)Max Martin Richter Wrote: I did some more research on the legs.
Indeed the pivot point is centered in the round top area but its off compared to stud system while the hip is fully symmetrical.

Another fact: it is not possible to bring the hip in a straight position, while it is build next to a wall:
For the brave soul who will cope with this correction, here is a leg mesh extracted from 3D catalog, compared to 3816/3816b.
Bottom stud hole is not aligned with joint hole, measured offset at center of stud hole is o.7ldu. BUT stud hole is weird, longer in z direction by more than 1 ldu!

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.dat   3816Cat.dat (Size: 43.17 KB / Downloads: 5)
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RE: Sloped Minifig Leg 3817b is wrong - by Philippe Hurbain - 2022-12-19, 14:47

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