To font or not to font

RE: To font or not to font
I do not HOLD if an author hasn't used a box or cylinder or whatever prim could be used, but I do with letters 'cos there is one thing that differs: detail and the related poly-count.

There's another thing. I don't mind if an author wastes its time recreating all the letters time and again when stitching together those sticker from the 80s where Swiss 720 was apparently the main font used - but (there is always a but) he is also wasting my time: I have to check all letters for overlap which isn't detected by Edger and other things. Checks I don't have to do when an already certified prim is used. As we know the number of letters and numbers sum up quickly:

As for the HELD sticker:

to me it is pure nonsense not completing the already existing set of typefonts 'cos we decided to no longer add typefont prims to the library. I'm perfectly fine with not adding NEW fonts but what we gain not completing the Swiss 720 with already 4 official lower case letters in the library? There's more. Looking at Takeshi's "United" I'd say that the resolution and the number of polygons to mimic the font is better that the prims of the upper case letters we currently have and updating them as we go should be considered.

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Messages In This Thread
To font or not to font - by Orion Pobursky - 2022-06-07, 14:06
RE: To font or not to font - by Willy Tschager - 2022-06-08, 6:33
RE: To font or not to font - by N. W. Perry - 2022-06-08, 14:31

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