> I was also greatly influenced by Koyan's work for
> my renders. The only way I've found to improve my
> render was to remodel the parts myself to have
> them look as they where LGEO looking.
This is how new libraries get built. By people modelling a few parts here and there. Do you have a folder (eg. like mine) where all the parts you modelled are easily accessible? I don't see a 'parts' folder there.
Good POV parts and good LDraw parts are very different beasts. In POV you want the rounded corners, the nice textures and all that. In LDraw you want good clean edges to make instructions clear. Luckily the LDraw file format and LDView or L3p make using two separate libraries easy.
> my renders. The only way I've found to improve my
> render was to remodel the parts myself to have
> them look as they where LGEO looking.
This is how new libraries get built. By people modelling a few parts here and there. Do you have a folder (eg. like mine) where all the parts you modelled are easily accessible? I don't see a 'parts' folder there.
Good POV parts and good LDraw parts are very different beasts. In POV you want the rounded corners, the nice textures and all that. In LDraw you want good clean edges to make instructions clear. Luckily the LDraw file format and LDView or L3p make using two separate libraries easy.