Hey again,
yes, it works. I played around with the phyton script and I was able to extract .tga files from the .3dxml files. I successfully extracted images from the LDD and from Lego Star Wars II.
It looks like the images are upside down, but I think that is just a small issue. There is one .lxf file available on eurobricks that contains all decorations. The script could extract them all at once.
I am not well versed with python! What I did:
You will get a folder named 'textures'. I hope it works.
yes, it works. I played around with the phyton script and I was able to extract .tga files from the .3dxml files. I successfully extracted images from the LDD and from Lego Star Wars II.
It looks like the images are upside down, but I think that is just a small issue. There is one .lxf file available on eurobricks that contains all decorations. The script could extract them all at once.
import zipfile, base64, struct, os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
def load_images(filename):
if zipfile.is_zipfile(filename):
zf = zipfile.ZipFile(filename, 'r')
member = zf.namelist()[1]
filename = zf.open(member)
print 'Unzipping', member
tree = etree.parse(filename)
images = tree.find('.//{http://www.3ds.com/xsd/3DXML}ImageSet')
numimages = len(images)
print 'Number of images:', numimages
#imgs = []
for i in tree.findall('.//{http://www.3ds.com/xsd/3DXML}Pixel'):
write_tga(i, numimages)
def write_tga(image, numimages):
h = int(image.attrib['height'])
w = int(image.attrib['width'])
fmt = image.attrib['format']
pixels = image[0].text
size = len(`numimages`)
imgidx = image.attrib['id']
imgidx = str('Map-%0'+`size`+'d') % int(imgidx)
filename = imgidx + '.tga'
bits = 32 if 'A' in fmt else 24
alpha = 8 if 'A' in fmt else 0
dirname = 'textures'
if not os.path.exists(dirname): os.mkdir(dirname)
pathname = os.path.join(dirname, filename)
if not os.path.exists(pathname):
print 'writing %s (%dx%d) %s' % (pathname, w, h, fmt.lower())
with open(pathname, 'wb') as file:
file.write(struct.pack('12B', 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0))
file.write(struct.pack('HH', w, h))
file.write(struct.pack('BB', bits, alpha))
pixels = base64.b64decode(pixels) #$base64.b64decode(bytes(pixels, 'utf-8'))
pixels = rgb_to_bgr(pixels, fmt)
def rgb_to_bgr(pixels, fmt):
pixels = list(pixels)
npixels = len(pixels)
step = 4 if 'A' in fmt else 3
for i in range(0, npixels, step):
pixels[i],pixels[i+2] = pixels[i+2],pixels[i]
#$pixels = map(chr, pixels)
pixels = ''.join(pixels)
#$pixels = bytes(pixels, 'latin-1')
return pixels
I am not well versed with python! What I did:
- Put the code in a file (e.g. extractimages.py)
- Saved the script in the folder where the .3dxml files are
- Opened a phyton console
- Imported os (import os)
- Changed directory in the python console to the path where the .3dxml files are (os.chdir('<path>'))
- Imported the new script (import extractimages)
- Extracted images (extractimages.load_images('<file>.3dxml'))
You will get a folder named 'textures'. I hope it works.