Steffen Wrote:(a) dotted lines: should be easy to remove
They're staying for now until we get the CSS finalized.
Steffen Wrote:(b) status: you could abuse page for that purpose and "grab" the topmost icon shown in the table. or Chris could provide you with a dedicated CGI
As Chris wrote, I'm not going to screen scrape anything. We control the files to the PT and I'll write code that just pings the backend.
Steffen Wrote:© caption: I meant the first line of a .dat file. this way, the name of a part can be shown along with its image
That's a little more work so I'll add it to the todo list
Steffen Wrote:(d) getting a proper ldconfig.ldr color 16 rendering for both official and unofficial files: should also be easy to correct
See Chris's post on this.