Well, I've said it before, somewhere.
The p-suffix is used in a number of different situations. Printed parts, dual moulded parts and assemblies were we know the assembly number.
This will lead to a p-suffix beeing used on an assembly of printed dualmoulded parts.
Like a minifig hip and leg assembly, of dualmoulded, differently printed, left and right leg.
Instead of using the hipnumber as a base, containing 3815pXX (printed hip)+3816pYY (dualmoulded leg)+3817pZZ (dualmoulded, printed leg) we use the assembly number 73200pXX.
The Duplo Car Base with diffently coloured wheels, are some of the assemblies numbered following this rule.
We know the correct assembly number, but this number is not tied to a single colour on the wheels. Hence a p-suffix.
Why are you trying to build a database? Do you know of the program LDFind from Michael Heidemann.
The p-suffix is used in a number of different situations. Printed parts, dual moulded parts and assemblies were we know the assembly number.
This will lead to a p-suffix beeing used on an assembly of printed dualmoulded parts.
Like a minifig hip and leg assembly, of dualmoulded, differently printed, left and right leg.
Instead of using the hipnumber as a base, containing 3815pXX (printed hip)+3816pYY (dualmoulded leg)+3817pZZ (dualmoulded, printed leg) we use the assembly number 73200pXX.
The Duplo Car Base with diffently coloured wheels, are some of the assemblies numbered following this rule.
We know the correct assembly number, but this number is not tied to a single colour on the wheels. Hence a p-suffix.
Why are you trying to build a database? Do you know of the program LDFind from Michael Heidemann.