If you really need more that 2GB (most software doesn't, but programmers seem to get more and more lazy these days ) ...
The obvious solution would be to develop for 64bit os's only.
An alternative would be using some kind of swap file, although this will needs decent management classes and could be extremely slow if done inefficient (I'm having EMS back flashes here ).
Something else I have been thinking of but never really tried is using multiple program instances. Because if the system runs a 64bit os every 32bit process has it's OWN 2GB limit. So using multiple instances would give you 'n' times 2GB. This approach would need a sophisticated way of communicating between processes and dividing the data.
my 2cts
The obvious solution would be to develop for 64bit os's only.
An alternative would be using some kind of swap file, although this will needs decent management classes and could be extremely slow if done inefficient (I'm having EMS back flashes here ).
Something else I have been thinking of but never really tried is using multiple program instances. Because if the system runs a 64bit os every 32bit process has it's OWN 2GB limit. So using multiple instances would give you 'n' times 2GB. This approach would need a sophisticated way of communicating between processes and dividing the data.
my 2cts