Jude Wrote:If you look at MLCad's "Activate Model" screen, you'll notice that the "Name" column is quite narrow, and although you can widen it temporarily, the next time you open it, it'll revert back to it's default. So to me, having a short name there is fine. The key, to me, is having a decent description, which, as you say, is meaningful and useful. And if you look, I DO have descriptions like you mention.
When I look at your Cafe Corner file, I see a lot of repeated information, where you have the same description in both the name and desciption columns, which really seems excessive to me. Why not have a short, simple name followed by the more lengthy description?
I went for the "lot of repeated information" in order to have a non-cryptic description in MLCad's Active model drop-down list. Since the whole discussion is merely about "taste" I'm gonna add your models to the AIOI either way.
LEGO ergo sum