Welcome Cale,
The colors of the edge lines can be controlled with the help of the LDConfig.ldr file. See the extract below. EDGE defines the RGB value in hexadecimal format.
If you check the value for the colors you used, you can modify them as you like
The colors of the edge lines can be controlled with the help of the LDConfig.ldr file. See the extract below. EDGE defines the RGB value in hexadecimal format.
If you check the value for the colors you used, you can modify them as you like
0 LDraw.org Configuration File
0 Name: LDConfig.ldr
0 Author: LDraw.org
0 !LDRAW_ORG Configuration UPDATE 2018-03-03
0 // LDraw Solid Colours
0 // LEGOID 26 - Black
0 !COLOUR Black CODE 0 VALUE #05131D EDGE #595959
0 // LEGOID 23 - Bright Blue
0 !COLOUR Blue CODE 1 VALUE #0055BF EDGE #333333
0 // LEGOID 28 - Dark Green
0 !COLOUR Green CODE 2 VALUE #257A3E EDGE #333333