47456 Description error?

47456 Description error?
Hey guys,
I was just browsing through parts during a build and noticed this:
0 Slope Brick Curved  2 x  2 x   2/3 with Fin and 2 Studs
0 Name: 47456.dat
0 Author: Paul Izquierdo Rojas [pir]
0 !LDRAW_ORG Part UPDATE 2009-02
0 !LICENSE Redistributable under CCAL version 2.0 : see CAreadme.txt

I'm pretty sure the Description of the part is in error.

I believe it should be 
0 Slope Brick Curved  2 x  3 x   2/3 with Fin and 2 Studs

(2 x 3... instead of 2 x 2...)

I noticed because it was clearly larger than a 2x2 at the base when perusing in MLCad/LDCad. 
Here it is on BL: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/cat...=47456#T=C

Sorry if this has already been pointed out, but I searched and didn't find any threads with the part # in them. I also verified that my version matches the one in the latest complete.zip.

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Messages In This Thread
47456 Description error? - by Jeff Boen - 2018-05-10, 20:28
RE: 47456 Description error? - by Chris Dee - 2018-05-13, 4:54

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