LDraw.org becomes a RLOC - Recognized LEGO Online Community

LDraw.org becomes a RLOC - Recognized LEGO Online Community

back in January we applied to become a RLOC - Recognized LEGO Online Community and approval has been granted. The SteerCo has since appointed Max Martin Richter as LDraw's Ambassador at the LAN - LEGO Ambassador Network.

As you know independence is key to us and we will carefully observe if and how this very small but fine community is affected by :-) Most benefit can be drawn from the direct link when it comes down to part numbers and colors.

Furthermore there are plans for a IRL-meeting where being a recognized community is a must. Stay tuned.

LEGO ergo sum
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LDraw.org becomes a RLOC - Recognized LEGO Online Community - by Willy Tschager - 2018-03-15, 0:49

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