(2018-03-11, 14:59)Jarema Wrote: When I use Explode or Magnet Build script on attachment file, then i get a message:
Playback is too slow for 25 fps at an avg frame time of 222.56ms.
The question is how change FPS from LUA script ?!
Like Philo wrote,
It is not crashing but at some point their are too many bricks for the program to manipulate/reprep/render 25 times a second.
The bottle neck is probably not the graphics card, any semi recent card should be able to handle 8000 bricks.
The script execution is usually also below 1ms even for the biggest scripts.
The problem lies in the render prepping which is needed whenever a bricks position and or visibility changes.
This is CPU based work and uses only a single thread.
It will be even worse if the model contains many transparent parts.
If you want to view the animation regardless, You can do an OpenGL export (alt+e) at any fps and combine the images with ffmpegenc or something.