What requires a HOLD vote on the Parts Tracker

RE: What requires a HOLD vote on the Parts Tracker
Officially we have only the outdated L3P error list:


while most of us use the output of Datheader (the following list was kindly provided by Mike Heidemann, author of the prog):

1    ERROR    Embedded POV Code found.    HOLD
2    ERROR    '0 WRITE' found. - HOLD
4    ERROR    '0 ROTATION' found.    HOLD
5    ERROR    '0 COLOR' found.    HOLD
6    ERROR    Incorrect use of only '0' for comments. Should be '0 //' instead.
7    ERROR    Not all used colors in LDConfig.ldr.    HOLD
8    ERROR    Matrix all zero found.    HOLD
9    ERROR    Identical vertices found.    HOLD
10    ERROR    Colinear vertices found.    HOLD
11    ERROR    Bad Vertex Sequence found.    HOLD
12    ERROR    Concave quads found.    HOLD
13    ERROR    Coplanarity.    HOLD
14    ERROR    Incorrect color for linetype.    HOLD
15    ERROR    Loop in reference found.    HOLD
16    ERROR    Double lines found.    HOLD
17    WARNING    Maybe wrong color for sticker used.
18    ERROR    Length of part description.    HOLD
19    WARNING    Maybe leading spaces in part description.
20    ERROR    Keywords entry length.
21    ERROR    Some keywords are also in part description.    HOLD
22    ERROR    Filename does not matches filetitle.    HOLD
23    ERROR    Author real name is not set.
24    ERROR    Author user name is not set.
25    ERROR    BFC is not set.    HOLD
26    ERROR    License is not set.    HOLD
27    ERROR    Part type is not set.    HOLD
28    ERROR    Primitives needs to have CCW winding.    HOLD
29    ERROR    Use of !KEYWORDS is not allowed for this part type.    HOLD
30    ERROR    Part description contains Tab character.    HOLD
31    ERROR    HELP entry length.
32    ERROR    Word 'new' or 'old' is used in part description.
33    ERROR    Use of (Needs work).    HOLD
34    ERROR    Entry for !CATEGORY.
35    ERROR    Use of !CATEGORY is not allowed at for this part type.
36    ERROR    High-res primitive has to start with '48\'.    HOLD
37    ERROR    Description for primitives should not start with '_' or '~'.    HOLD
38    ERROR    Filename for parts, shortcuts and primitives should not start with '48\' or 's\'.    HOLD
39    ERROR    Filename for subparts has to start with 's\'.    HOLD
40    ERROR    Description for subparts has to start with '~'.    HOLD
41    ERROR    Description for subparts should not start with '_' or '='.
42    ERROR    Description for parts should not start with '_' or '='.
43    ERROR    Description for shortcuts and/or physical_colour parts has to start with '_'.    HOLD
44    ERROR    Filename for shortcuts contains usually a 'c' or 'd'.
45    ERROR    Extension has to be .dat    HOLD
46    ERROR    Special characters in description not allowed.    HOLD
47    ERROR    Lines do not end with <CR><LF>.
48    ERROR    Author !HISTORY entry has no brackets.
49    ERROR    Not scalable primitive is scaled.
50    ERROR    primitive is scaled not only in Y direction.
51    ERROR    First line after BFC INVERTNEXT isn't linetype 1.
52    ERROR    Problem with the RGB value.
53    ERROR    '~Moved to' file used.
54    ERROR    Wrong BFC command found.
55    ERROR    Some keywords are used twice in KEYWORDS section.    HOLD
56    ERROR    'Minifig Accessory' found in part description.
57    ERROR    'Figure Accessory' found in part description.
58    WARNING    'INVERTNEXT' used although not necessary.
59    WARNING    TJunktion detected.
60    ERROR    Wrong brackets around username used. Only [] is allowed
61    ERROR    Description for alias parts should start with '='
62    ERROR    Description for Physical_Colour parts should mention the used colors
63    ERROR    Only linetype 0 and 1 are allowed in Physical_Colour parts.
64    ERROR    Wrong color (16 or/and 24) used for Physical_Colour part
65    ERROR    Only linetype 0 and 1 are allowed in Alias parts.
66    ERROR    Only one (1) linetype 1 is allowed in Alias parts.
67    ERROR    Only color 16 is allowed in Alias parts.
68    ERROR    Alias needs to be mentioned in the comments in the form 'Alias of partnumber'.
69    ERROR    Mentioned part number in the alias comment is wrong.
70    WARNING    Origin is outside the Boundingbox.
71    ERROR    American English words used in part description.
72    WARNING    Too much empty lines at the end of the file.
73    WARNING    Mirrored studs detected.
74    WARNING    Flat subfile scaled in flat direction
75    ERROR    Optional line with same vertices than line found.
76    ERROR    Leading or trailing zeros found.
77    ERROR    Overlapping triangle found.
78    ERROR    Lines with wrong number of arguments found.
79    WARNING    Filename ending does not match declared LDRAW_ORG file type.
80    ERROR    Moved To setnumber with Extension    HOLD
81    WARNING    Filename ending does not match declared LDRAW_ORG part type qualifier.

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RE: What requires a HOLD vote on the Parts Tracker - by Willy Tschager - 2017-12-08, 20:51

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