Feature request of the day:
* As a user I'd like to scale just in one direction (x or y) - not sure if this was on the wishlist of someone else.
* As a user I wish LDPC had a better memory management. Loading a 2,6 MB jpg the progs seams to have a some sort of hickup and slows down notably. When I hide the background pic everything is back to normal. Therefore it must be the filesize.
* As a user I wish the file's name I'm working on shows up along the title in the very top bar.
Nonetheless - if we didn't have LDPC making patterns would be still a nasty thing, so thanks for the prog!
* As a user I'd like to scale just in one direction (x or y) - not sure if this was on the wishlist of someone else.
* As a user I wish LDPC had a better memory management. Loading a 2,6 MB jpg the progs seams to have a some sort of hickup and slows down notably. When I hide the background pic everything is back to normal. Therefore it must be the filesize.
* As a user I wish the file's name I'm working on shows up along the title in the very top bar.
Nonetheless - if we didn't have LDPC making patterns would be still a nasty thing, so thanks for the prog!
LEGO ergo sum