(2016-07-05, 20:53)Trevor Sandy Wrote: Under this approach you would have missed the prerequisite of installing the Visual Studio 2015 runtime. If you look in the installation root directory, you will see vc_redist.x86[64].exe. It is necessary to manually install the contents of this package (or have a previous installation) before running LPub3D from a portable distribution.
With the NSIS installer-packaged distribution, the installer will automatically look in your System32 directory for vcruntime140.dll. If it is not found, the installer will proceed to install vc_redist.x86[64].exe. You can see the details of this activity if you select to show details during the install files dialog when the installer is running.
I have updated sourceForge with the source for version 2.0.4. You can look under tools/Win-setup to find '00 BuildLPub3D00AndCreateDistNoPack.bat' and 'LPub3DNoPack.nsi'. These are the scripts used to package all distributions of LPub3D and should help you with your AIOI packaging - particularly the latter script.
Hi Trevor,
many thanks for the insight. I'll see if the:
IfFileExists "$Windir\System32\vcruntime140.dll"
is enough or if the installer prog I work with comes with some additional tricks.
Looking through the script I noticed that you install a "lpub3dldrawunf.zip". I presume it is a copy of the ldrawunf.zip. You will surely have noticed that we do not distribute "unofficials" along with the LDraw Parts Library or in the AIOI, but just offer the download with the appropriate warning because of their delicate nature. The .zip comes with no license and is not meant to be redistributed as the official library.
LEGO ergo sum