OK, here is the contents of a batch file:
I'm not batch file expert, and I haven't tested it with filenames with spaces (although it might work), nor have I tested it with full paths. Specify an LDraw file (or LDraw files) as the parameters for the program. It will generate PNG files from 0 to 359. Note that this is set up for a 64-bit LDView. Change the second line to the correct full path to your LDView.
@echo off
SET LDVIEW=C:\Program Files\LDView\LDView64.exe
FOR %%F IN (%*) DO (
FOR /L %%L IN (0,1,359) DO (
ECHO %%~nF-%%L.png
"%LDVIEW%" -SaveSnapshot="%%~nF-%%L.png" -SaveZoomToFit=0 -ZoomToFit=0 -SaveSeries=1 -SaveWidth=1024 -SaveHeight=1024 -DefaultLatLong=30,%%L "%%F"
I'm not batch file expert, and I haven't tested it with filenames with spaces (although it might work), nor have I tested it with full paths. Specify an LDraw file (or LDraw files) as the parameters for the program. It will generate PNG files from 0 to 359. Note that this is set up for a 64-bit LDView. Change the second line to the correct full path to your LDView.