Lpub3D povray 3.7 rendering setting

Lpub3D povray 3.7 rendering setting
G'day. I have installed the latest AIO setup and updated Lpub3D. When im using Lpub3d and the renderer as povray, can the rendered pics be of higher detail so to speak. Everything is set as it was installed. the povray selected setting is
[1920x1080 16:9 AA 0.3]

but this gives blocky pixleated images in Lpub3d. So I wondering if I can make them high detail even maybe to the point of realism. I have attached a screen shot where you can see how I would like to change the quality of the lego renders.
Cheers Jono

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Lpub3D povray 3.7 rendering setting - by Jono - 2016-02-12, 6:10

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