Hi Nils,
Maybe I should have posted this in the 1.5.9 thread instead.
I'm having trouble with the attached, self created template. After exporting my pattern, DatHeader and Edger2 finds t-junctions and co-linear triangles. It looks to me as if there has been extra triangles created in the export process.
How important is it that all vertices have exactly the same value in the template?
How important is the number of decimals?
I've converted it from a fully inlined set of primitives of the front face surface.
The inlined cyli doesn't give the same vertices as the inlined tori.
Why are all boxes ticked in the post-process meny?
What is the difference betwen LPC-Unificator and Unificator? Does it matter if both are ticked?
Why can't I minimize/maximize the main window by clicking on the icon in the Task bar, if the small image/view-prefs windows are open?
I haven't tested 1.6 yet, but I do think 1.5.9 is a lot better than the earlier versions.
Maybe I should have posted this in the 1.5.9 thread instead.
I'm having trouble with the attached, self created template. After exporting my pattern, DatHeader and Edger2 finds t-junctions and co-linear triangles. It looks to me as if there has been extra triangles created in the export process.
How important is it that all vertices have exactly the same value in the template?
How important is the number of decimals?
I've converted it from a fully inlined set of primitives of the front face surface.
The inlined cyli doesn't give the same vertices as the inlined tori.
Why are all boxes ticked in the post-process meny?
What is the difference betwen LPC-Unificator and Unificator? Does it matter if both are ticked?
Why can't I minimize/maximize the main window by clicking on the icon in the Task bar, if the small image/view-prefs windows are open?
I haven't tested 1.6 yet, but I do think 1.5.9 is a lot better than the earlier versions.