[MLCad 3.40] MLCad.ini vs. MLCad.grp vs. MLCAD.CFG

[MLCad 3.40] MLCad.ini vs. MLCad.grp vs. MLCAD.CFG
This question is about MLCad 3.40.

I know that MLCad settings are stored in 2 files mainly, which sit in its program folder:
- MLCad.ini - contains its main application settings, including folders to look in for parts, settings for its built-in LSYNTH support, settings for the Minifig generator etc.
- MLCad.grp - contains the configuration of its parts tree which allows to group parts together into groups by their name

However, MLCad creates a binary file named MLCAD.cfg in my LDRAW folder additionally
when I run it. It re-creates the file when I delete it.

Does anyone know what this file contains, what its purpose is?
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[MLCad 3.40] MLCad.ini vs. MLCad.grp vs. MLCAD.CFG - by Steffen - 2015-03-17, 22:13

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