I looked into the templates of LDPC, the good thing there is I can use it to slice it first with the CUT command in the template. The problem is if the planes are approaching 90° compared to the initial orientation.
What was not very clear to me was if I have a facetted surface, how to define the orientation and coordinates of the different surfaces, but looking at your example, I will give that a try as well.
so {60 48; 60 -48; -60 -48; -60 48} I understand is a quad. but what does {2 96 10; 2 0 10; 2 0 130; 2 96 130} define?
What was not very clear to me was if I have a facetted surface, how to define the orientation and coordinates of the different surfaces, but looking at your example, I will give that a try as well.
so {60 48; 60 -48; -60 -48; -60 48} I understand is a quad. but what does {2 96 10; 2 0 10; 2 0 130; 2 96 130} define?