Lord of The Rings

Re: 9471 - Uruk-Hai Army
Really nice, and i'm really happy that you made new capes available!

I noticed that Eomer's shield is color 78 instead of 320 within the .mpd-file (not in your screenshot).
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Lord of The Rings - by Stan Isachenko - 2013-03-09, 15:52
9476 - The Orc Forge - by Philippe Hurbain - 2014-11-28, 13:36
Re: 9476 - The Orc Forge - by Willy Tschager - 2014-11-29, 19:30
Re: Lord of The Rings - by Willy Tschager - 2014-11-29, 19:30
9469 - Gandalf Arrives - by Philippe Hurbain - 2014-12-01, 16:24
Re: Lord of The Rings - by Philippe Hurbain - 2014-12-02, 8:38
Re: Lord of The Rings - by Willy Tschager - 2014-12-02, 16:15
9471 - Uruk-Hai Army - by Philippe Hurbain - 2014-12-05, 19:33
Re: 9471 - Uruk-Hai Army - by Christian Neumann - 2014-12-07, 0:07

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