Yes, inlining primitives is one way to go, even if i'm not sure that the check about the condline is enought to cover all cases.
About ditching primitives, i'm all for it. I understand their usefulness for some things, like avoiding replicate definitions of studs, pins and other well defined functional element (hinges, clips etc), but it should end there. I don't know what's the gain of having all possible combinations of cube faces or portion of cylinder etc, when you can put the required quads where you need them. Also, i know nothing about part design, but i think it would be easier to define a part as a whole instead of having to look up for different cutout of boxes and emisphere to adapt (i may be wrong here).
The idea to cover all possible shapes with primitives maybe was good at the beginning, but now lego bricks have all kind of complex shapes (just think of hair pieces or wings, etc), it's impossible. Much better to have a single file with his faces inside.
The only things about (curve) primitives is that they let you replace them with high definition with ease. I don't know if nowadays it is still useful or if we can stick with a single definition
About ditching primitives, i'm all for it. I understand their usefulness for some things, like avoiding replicate definitions of studs, pins and other well defined functional element (hinges, clips etc), but it should end there. I don't know what's the gain of having all possible combinations of cube faces or portion of cylinder etc, when you can put the required quads where you need them. Also, i know nothing about part design, but i think it would be easier to define a part as a whole instead of having to look up for different cutout of boxes and emisphere to adapt (i may be wrong here).
The idea to cover all possible shapes with primitives maybe was good at the beginning, but now lego bricks have all kind of complex shapes (just think of hair pieces or wings, etc), it's impossible. Much better to have a single file with his faces inside.
The only things about (curve) primitives is that they let you replace them with high definition with ease. I don't know if nowadays it is still useful or if we can stick with a single definition