> That stepping will be available next time you
> start the application.
Ah - great, thanks!
> I'm not sure what you mean with 'layered
> structure' unless you mean the '2D grid mode's".
Yes, that's what I mean...
> If so there are some things on my todo list for
> improving working with grid mode's (multiple
> (ortho) views being the most important one.), and
> in the (far) future there will be some sort of
> (limited/self learning) 'auto snap/guidance'
> function.
Among other possibilities would be a keyboard shortcut to move in the orthogonal direction, and/or possibility to pull an additionnal arrow on the editing pin.
> The redraw issue is most likely the result of the
> 'Reuse front buffer' option in the main options
> menu, but I don't think your issue is worth
> disabling this optimization. Disabling it will
> cause considerable higher rendering times
> especially when many parts (or mpd submodels) are
> being displayed in the part bin.
Yeah, it's no big deal since the window is refreshed once you mouse over it.
> That stepping will be available next time you
> start the application.
Ah - great, thanks!
> I'm not sure what you mean with 'layered
> structure' unless you mean the '2D grid mode's".
Yes, that's what I mean...
> If so there are some things on my todo list for
> improving working with grid mode's (multiple
> (ortho) views being the most important one.), and
> in the (far) future there will be some sort of
> (limited/self learning) 'auto snap/guidance'
> function.
Among other possibilities would be a keyboard shortcut to move in the orthogonal direction, and/or possibility to pull an additionnal arrow on the editing pin.
> The redraw issue is most likely the result of the
> 'Reuse front buffer' option in the main options
> menu, but I don't think your issue is worth
> disabling this optimization. Disabling it will
> cause considerable higher rendering times
> especially when many parts (or mpd submodels) are
> being displayed in the part bin.
Yeah, it's no big deal since the window is refreshed once you mouse over it.