Willy Tschager Wrote:* For the sake of consistency we should harmonize the "Armour" versus "Armor"Definitely. I'll re-cycle them as "Armour", but there are quite a few pre-2014-01 files with this inconsistency.
Willy Tschager Wrote:* Since the review log is no longer accessible it would be interesting knowing why all the "Buckets" haven't been grouped in the "Minifig" category naming them "Minifig Bucket"Because nobody mentioned it during review, and I missed it. If anything they should be in the "Minifig Accessory" category, rather than "Minifig" which is used for body parts. However, they aren't really an accessory without the handle.
Can they be gripped when the handle is vertical, without clashing with the minifig's legs? If so, does it make sense for just 12884c01 and 95343c01 to be moved from "Container" to "Minifig Accessory"? If not maybe we should make ...c03 versions that have the handle at the correct angle to be carried by a minifig - and only put those in the "Minifig Accessory" category.
Is the handle part alone a "Minifig Accessory" - it does seem wrong for it to be a "Contianer".
Chris (LDraw Parts Library Admin)