It's not that easy. I am going via Blender and a Python script to import LDR directly. There are a lot of traps and I could work out a way how to do it right. LDView can convert to 3DS but this is a shit format. The problem in this scene is that there's a panel in the cockpit what isn't part of a model. It's made of a lot of polygons and just MLCad and LDView can read that. There's also a bug in the latest MLCad Version what exports wrong colors of models which have colored polygon groups. The programmer gave me an older version what works but might have other issues. When I try to import the model into blender it looks great but the panel picture isn't there. I have to pass this to the dev team of the importer because they are actually rewriting it from scratch. The only way to catch the picture would be to isolate the model and export it as ldraw primitives. When I do this with the whole model it's just one model with materials on polgon groups. And the studs are just in low-res. And the rounding shader will also do concave bevels where bricks touch other bricks. I am sure I will work out a way and will do a tutorial in the future when I have finished all this investigation and testing.