Thanks for that clear and concise list of color ranges.
Yes, it accepts decimal or hex into the color box. It also produces a nice guaranteed access violation if you attempt to edit the definition of an existing custom color (using the "Custom..." button) without first resetting it to a standard color
Travis Cobbs Wrote:Note that I believe that if you manually enter the integer value from one of the 0x2RRGGBB or 0x3RRGGBB colors into MLCad, it will display it in the right color. (In other words, calculate the big integer value, and then enter that into the color number box, instead of entering R, G, and B.) I could be wrong about this, though.
Yes, it accepts decimal or hex into the color box. It also produces a nice guaranteed access violation if you attempt to edit the definition of an existing custom color (using the "Custom..." button) without first resetting it to a standard color