Arthur Sigg Wrote:Thanks for explaining. Any specifications of the current performance of DATHeader and a summary of what's missing/planned ?
summary of what's missing/planned
missing - nothing I hope
planned - currently nothing as exactly that is missing
I guess with performance you are talking about the things that DATHeader cares about?
Below the list of flags that I work with and that are hopefully self explaining.
Public Enum LDraw_ErrorCode
PovCodeFound = 1
WRITEfound = 2
ROTATIONfound = 4
COLORfound = 5
CommentsNotCorrect = 6
NotOnlyLDconfigColors = 7
MatrixAllZero = 8
IdenticalVertices = 9
ColinearVertices = 10
BadVertexSequenze = 11
ConcaveQuads = 12
NonCoplanarQuads = 13
ColorWrongForLinetype = 14
LoopInReference = 15
DoubleLinesfound = 16
ColorForSticker = 17
PartDescriptionLength = 18
PartDescriptionLeadingSpaces = 19
KeywordsLength = 20
KeywordsCorrect = 21
FiletitleMatchesFilename = 22
AuthorRealname = 23
AuthorUsername = 24
BFCset = 25
LicenseSet = 26
PartTypeSet = 27
BFC_CCW_at_Primitive = 28
Keywords_at_Primitives = 29
PartDescriptionWithTab = 30
HelpLength = 31
NewNotUsed = 32
NeedWorkComment = 33
Category = 34
Category_at_Primitives = 35
Primitive48FilenameStartwith48 = 36
PrimitivePartDescriptionStartWithout_orTilde = 37
PartFilenameStartwithout48orS = 38
SubpartFilenameStartWithS = 39
SubpartDescriptionStartWithTilde = 40
SubpartDescriptionStartWithout_ = 41
PartDescriptionStartWithout_ = 42
ShortCutPartDescriptionStartWith_ = 43
ShortCutFilenameContains_d_or_c = 44
NameExtensionIsDAT = 45
NoSpecialCharacterInDescription = 46
LineEndWithCRLF = 47
HistoryEntryAuthorBracket = 48
PrimitiveIsScaled = 49
PrimitiveIsScaledY = 50
BFCINVERTNEXTfollowedbylinetype1 = 51
CorrectRGBvalue = 52
NoMoveToReferenceUsed = 53
KeywordsUnique = 55
MinifigAccessoryNotFound = 56
FigureAccessoryNotFound = 57
NotNeededInvertNextUsed = 58
TJunctionDetected = 59
SquareBracketsAroundUsername = 60
AliasPartDescriptionStartWithSame = 61
PhysicalColorMentionedInDescription = 62
PhysicalColorPartOnlyLinetype1Used = 63
PhysicalColorPartCorrectColorsUsed = 64
AliasPartOnlyLinetype1Used = 65
AliasPartOnlyOneLinetype1 = 66
AliasPartOnlyColor16Used = 67
AliasPartAliasMentionedInComments = 68
AliasPartAliasNumberInComment = 69
OriginNOTInBoundingBox = 70
AmericanEnglishWords = 71
EmptyLinesAtTheEnd = 72
End Enum
And here the messages you will see if all is correct:
Public Sub InitialiseOKMessages()
ReDim FileResultOKMessages([Enum].GetValues(GetType(LDraw_ErrorCode)).Length)
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.PovCodeFound) = "OK" & XMPD.MSVB.Tab & "Embedded POV Code not found."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.WRITEfound) = "OK" & vbTab & "'0 WRITE' not found."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.BFCCERTIFYINVERTNEXTfound) = "OK" & vbTab & "'0 BFC CERTIFY INVERTNEXT' not found."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.ROTATIONfound) = "OK" & vbTab & "'0 ROTATION' not found."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.COLORfound) = "OK" & vbTab & "'0 COLOR' not found."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.CommentsNotCorrect) = "OK" & vbTab & "Correct use of '0 //' for comments."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.NotOnlyLDconfigColors) = "OK" & vbTab & "All used colors in LDConfig.ldr."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.MatrixAllZero) = "OK" & vbTab & "Matrix all zero not found."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.IdenticalVertices) = "OK" & vbTab & "Identical vertices not found."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.ColinearVertices) = "OK" & vbTab & "Colinear vertices not found."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.BadVertexSequenze) = "OK" & vbTab & "Bad Vertex Sequence not found."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.ConcaveQuads) = "OK" & vbTab & "Concave quads not found."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.NonCoplanarQuads) = "OK" & vbTab & "Coplanarity."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.ColorWrongForLinetype) = "OK" & vbTab & "Correct color for linetype."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.LoopInReference) = "OK" & vbTab & "Loop in reference not found."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.DoubleLinesfound) = "OK" & vbTab & "Double lines not found."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.ColorForSticker) = "OK" & vbTab & "Correct colors for sticker used."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.PartDescriptionLength) = "OK" & vbTab & "Length of part description."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.PartDescriptionLeadingSpaces) = "OK" & vbTab & "Leading spaces in part description."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.KeywordsLength) = "OK" & vbTab & "Keywords entry length."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.KeywordsCorrect) = "OK" & vbTab & "None of the keyword are used in in part description."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.FiletitleMatchesFilename) = "OK" & vbTab & "Filename matches filetitle."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.AuthorRealname) = "OK" & vbTab & "Author real name is set."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.AuthorUsername) = "OK" & vbTab & "Author user name is set."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.BFCset) = "OK" & vbTab & "BFC is set."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.LicenseSet) = "OK" & vbTab & "License is set."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.PartTypeSet) = "OK" & vbTab & "Part type is set."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.BFC_CCW_at_Primitive) = "OK" & vbTab & "Winding for part type."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.Keywords_at_Primitives) = "OK" & vbTab & "Use of keyword for part type."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.PartDescriptionWithTab) = "OK" & vbTab & "Part description without Tab character."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.HelpLength) = "OK" & vbTab & "HELP entry length."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.NewNotUsed) = "OK" & vbTab & "Word 'new' or 'old' not used in part description."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.NeedWorkComment) = "OK" & vbTab & "Use of (Needs work)."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.Category) = "OK" & vbTab & "Entry for category."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.Category_at_Primitives) = "OK" & vbTab & "Category is not set."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.Primitive48FilenameStartwith48) = "OK" & vbTab & "High-res primitive has to start with '48\'."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.PrimitivePartDescriptionStartWithout_orTilde) = "OK" & vbTab & "Description for primitives should not start with '_' or '~' or '='."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.PartFilenameStartwithout48orS) = "OK" & vbTab & "Filename for parts, shortcuts and primitives should not start with '48\' or 's\' or '8\'."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.SubpartFilenameStartWithS) = "OK" & vbTab & "Filename for subparts has to start with 's\'."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.SubpartDescriptionStartWithTilde) = "OK" & vbTab & "Description for subparts has to start with '~'."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.SubpartDescriptionStartWithout_) = "OK" & vbTab & "Description for subparts should not start with '_' or '='."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.PartDescriptionStartWithout_) = "OK" & vbTab & "Description for parts should not start with '_' or '='."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.ShortCutPartDescriptionStartWith_) = "OK" & vbTab & "Description for shortcuts and/or physical_colour parts has to start with '_'."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.ShortCutFilenameContains_d_or_c) = "OK" & vbTab & "Filename for shortcuts contains usually a 'c' or 'd'."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.NameExtensionIsDAT) = "OK" & vbTab & "Extension is .dat"
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.NoSpecialCharacterInDescription) = "OK" & vbTab & "No special characters in description found."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.LineEndWithCRLF) = "OK" & vbTab & "Lines ends with <CR><LF>."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.HistoryEntryAuthorBracket) = "OK" & vbTab & "Author !HISTORY entry has brackets."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.PrimitiveIsScaled) = "OK" & vbTab & "Not scalable primitives are not scaled."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.PrimitiveIsScaledY) = "OK" & vbTab & "Primitives are only scaled in Y direction."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.BFCINVERTNEXTfollowedbylinetype1) = "OK" & vbTab & "First line after BFC INVERTNEXT is linetype 1."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.CorrectRGBvalue) = "OK" & vbTab & "Correct RGB values used."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.NoMoveToReferenceUsed) = "OK" & vbTab & "No '~Moved to' file used."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.NoBFCCERTIFIEDCWorCCWfound) = "OK" & vbTab & "No wrong BFC command found."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.KeywordsUnique) = "OK" & vbTab & "None of the keyword are used twice."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.MinifigAccessoryNotFound) = "OK" & vbTab & "No 'Minifig Accessory' found in part description."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.FigureAccessoryNotFound) = "OK" & vbTab & "No 'Figure Accessory' found in part description."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.NotNeededInvertNextUsed) = "OK" & vbTab & "Usage of 'INVERTNEXT' seems to be ok."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.SquareBracketsAroundUsername) = "OK" & vbTab & "Correct brackets around username used."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.AliasPartDescriptionStartWithSame) = "OK" & vbTab & "Description for alias parts should start with '='"
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.PhysicalColorMentionedInDescription) = "OK" & vbTab & "Description for physical_color parts mention the used colors"
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.PhysicalColorPartOnlyLinetype1Used) = "OK" & vbTab & "Only linetype 0 and 1 are used in this Physical_Colour part."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.PhysicalColorPartCorrectColorsUsed) = "OK" & vbTab & "No wrong color used for Physical_Colour part"
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.AliasPartOnlyLinetype1Used) = "OK" & vbTab & "Only linetype 0 and 1 are used in this Alias part."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.AliasPartOnlyOneLinetype1) = "OK" & vbTab & "Only one (1) linetype 1 is used in this Alias part."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.AliasPartOnlyColor16Used) = "OK" & vbTab & "Only color 16 is used in this Alias part."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.AliasPartAliasMentionedInComments) = "OK" & vbTab & "Alias is mentioned in the comments."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.AliasPartAliasNumberInComment) = "OK" & vbTab & "Number in the Alias comment is correct."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.OriginNOTInBoundingBox) = "OK" & vbTab & "Origin is inside the Boundingbox."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.AmericanEnglishWords) = "OK" & vbTab & "Only Australian English words are used in the part description."
FileResultOKMessages(LDraw_ErrorCode.EmptyLinesAtTheEnd) = "OK" & vbTab & "No more Empty lines at the end as necessary."
End Sub
For some of the check standard values are used f.e. identical vertices etc. For more details I would need to have a close look into the code, so if you need some more information, please specify.