I fully agree with Steffen here but would like to add something a bit off-topic:
And then it turns out that this problem persists even now, a couple of my hold votes about moved-to-refs had been corrected and Steffen had to post a vote in an unrelated part (44937) to catch my attention on that... so yeah.
Steffen Wrote:The situation has even be worsened now by other people than the pt admin, voting hold as wellperhaps we could have a "send a reminder" link or so for hold votes? During my absence I didn't have time for ldraw and mostly ignored the PT's update emails since they most often contain people voting cert/novote/hold on parts I gave a cert/novote on. I took to note a couple of my hold votes were left dead in the PT. Now if I had gotten a more straight-to-the-point email "X requests your attention to your hold vote on 12345.dat", that would've gotten my attention more easily.
for such primitives. Now those people need to be contacted as well by part authors.
they sometimes even do not have mail adresses of the hold voter.
And then it turns out that this problem persists even now, a couple of my hold votes about moved-to-refs had been corrected and Steffen had to post a vote in an unrelated part (44937) to catch my attention on that... so yeah.