I have implemented that check during the import of unofficial files.
At that point I know which files are in need of importing. Therefore I take that list and compare it against the list of files in that directory. The result is shown in the messagewindow and can be copied to somewhere else if needed. It looks like this:
Version is uploaded, so you can test - BETA version!
At that point I know which files are in need of importing. Therefore I take that list and compare it against the list of files in that directory. The result is shown in the messagewindow and can be copied to somewhere else if needed. It looks like this:
Files not imported from path C:\Users\Michael\Desktop\datsville_rev337\datsville.
axis32x.dat - this file is not imported.
building_046_garagesmall.mpd - this file is not imported.
building_047_garagelarge.mpd - this file is not imported.
building_056_warehouselarge.mpd - this file is not imported.
building_063_officebuildingsmall.mpd - this file is not imported.
building_078_redwhitehouse2.ldr - this file is not imported.
datsville.ldr - this file is not imported.
dir_bat.cmd - this file is not imported.
dir_bat.txt - this file is not imported.
gridb32x.dat - this file is not imported.
gridb8x.dat - this file is not imported.
grids32x.dat - this file is not imported.
gridu4x.dat - this file is not imported.
infrastructure_arrowsign.ldr - this file is not imported.
infrastructure_flowers_02.ldr - this file is not imported.
infrastructure_flowers_03.ldr - this file is not imported.
infrastructure_rubblepile.ldr - this file is not imported.
infrastructure_signstoptriple.ldr - this file is not imported.
infrastructure_streetlamp_5.ldr - this file is not imported.
infrastructure_trafficsignal_1.ldr - this file is not imported.
infrastructure_treecoolabah.ldr - this file is not imported.
infrastructure_treegum.ldr - this file is not imported.
infrastructure_warningsign.ldr - this file is not imported.
pedestrian_037_bluefiguresit1.ldr - this file is not imported.
pedestrian_057_citycatbusinessman.ldr - this file is not imported.
pedestrian_058_citycattourist.ldr - this file is not imported.
pedestrian_062_bicyclistredshirt.ldr - this file is not imported.
rail_crossingnogate.ldr - this file is not imported.
rail_splitright.ldr - this file is not imported.
rail_straight.ldr - this file is not imported.
snotroad_curvestripenocross.ldr - this file is not imported.
snotroad_doubleblanknocross.ldr - this file is not imported.
snotroad_doubledash.ldr - this file is not imported.
snotroad_doublestripeleftonly.ldr - this file is not imported.
snotroad_doublestripeleftonlydouble.ldr - this file is not imported.
snotroad_halfstripenocross.ldr - this file is not imported.
snotroad_quadblanknocross.ldr - this file is not imported.
snotroad_tripleblankcross_1.ldr - this file is not imported.
snotroad_tripleblankcross_2.ldr - this file is not imported.
snotroad_tripledotsnocross.ldr - this file is not imported.
vehicle_058_graybicyclewithrider.ldr - this file is not imported.
vehicle_071_cranerailcar.mpd - this file is not imported.
Version is uploaded, so you can test - BETA version!