Time to say ... thank you !

Time to say ... thank you !
More than a year ago I jumped into a MOC project (my second one, please be lenient) which was initiated by a planned village festival with the motto Bear, including a small Lego exhibition. Spontaneously I decided to go for a MOC based on a memento from a earlier U.S. trip, a Ironwood carving "Mother and Baby Bear".

[Image: BearGroupRamonDC.jpg]

Some of you helped to tackle the project and bring it forward

Project "Transparent Envelope"

And this were the steps we were going through:

(1) Laser scan (STL mesh) done by a third party
(2) LSculpt from Bram Lambrecht (converts a triangle mesh into a skin of 1x1 plates)
(3) Splitting up Mother/Baby, remodeling the cutting region and artefacts with MLCad
(4) Coloring all visible bricks with MLCad, throwing away all needless inner parts
(generated by LSculpt, reducing the total number of bricks to one third !)
(5) Organizing skin plates to "layers" with MLCad
(6) With MLCad for each layer: Replacing skin markers by bricks/plates
(in addition constructing a inner structure to stabilize the model)
(7) Visualizing building results stepwise with LDView (MLCad didn't the job well)
Producing partlists and snapshots with LDView
(8) Generating building instructions with LPub
(not too perfect, working doc to build the Bear Group in reality)
(9) Building the Bear Group in reality by my wife Laura
The virtual cobbling together of 25,825 Lego bricks not succeed without errors,
so I had to do some corrections following Laura's advises :-)

[Image: BearGroupOnTurntable.jpg]

MPD File

Bear Group Instructions: Packed PDF 1.1 GB !

I would like to thank you all for your kind support and wish you all the best for 2014 !

NB: Donation done to Peeron 18. Nov 2013 :-)
I know I am part of a story that starts long before I can remember and continues long beyond when anyone will remember me [Long Now: Danny Hillis, Desinger of the 10'000 Year Clock]
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Time to say ... thank you ! - by Arthur Sigg - 2013-12-21, 18:19

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