I dug up some very old LD4DModeler code, which used DirectX
In it I do correction during the type 1 line loading.
rh2lhflip is inited elsewhere as D3DXMatrixScaling(rh2lhflip, 1, -1, 1);
Do note this is very (11 years!) old code, and I wasn't exactly an expert myself at that time
edit: above code is less then correct and unnecessary overcomplicated. It's better to convert to lefthand/neg y axis at the model level.
In it I do correction during the type 1 line loading.
//x y z
matrix.m[3, 0]:=getvalue(line);
matrix.m[3, 1]:=getvalue(line);
matrix.m[3, 2]:=getvalue(line);
matrix.m[3, 3]:=1;
//a b c
matrix.m[0, 0]:=getvalue(line);
matrix.m[1, 0]:=getvalue(line);
matrix.m[2, 0]:=getvalue(line);
//d e f
matrix.m[0, 1]:=getvalue(line);
matrix.m[1, 1]:=getvalue(line);
matrix.m[2, 1]:=getvalue(line);
//g h i
matrix.m[0, 2]:=getvalue(line);
matrix.m[1, 2]:=getvalue(line);
matrix.m[2, 2]:=getvalue(line);
matrix.m[0, 3]:=0;
matrix.m[1, 3]:=0;
matrix.m[2, 3]:=0;
//rechthandig matrix -> linkshandige matrix
//(T^-1)ST waar s bron is en T rh2lhflip is
D3DXMatrixInverse(mat, @dummy, rh2lhflip);
D3DXMatrixMultiply(mat, mat, matrix);
D3DXMatrixMultiply(matrix, mat, rh2lhflip);
rh2lhflip is inited elsewhere as D3DXMatrixScaling(rh2lhflip, 1, -1, 1);
Do note this is very (11 years!) old code, and I wasn't exactly an expert myself at that time
edit: above code is less then correct and unnecessary overcomplicated. It's better to convert to lefthand/neg y axis at the model level.