I've come to sort of a dilemma when deciding how steep the slope of the heightfield terrain (attached to this post) should be. Currently I have calculated the heightfield such that the shallowest slope matches part 4515, the next shallowest matches part 60477, and the next shallowest matches part 4286.
The problem is that the terrain then rises in multiples of 128 ldu, which is not evenly divisible by 24 ldu (the height of a standard LDraw brick) and thus you cannot simply stack bricks upon each other to get to this height. You have to add a few plates.
Which is more important? That the slope matches official bricks, or that you can build to this height using bricks alone?
The problem is that the terrain then rises in multiples of 128 ldu, which is not evenly divisible by 24 ldu (the height of a standard LDraw brick) and thus you cannot simply stack bricks upon each other to get to this height. You have to add a few plates.
Which is more important? That the slope matches official bricks, or that you can build to this height using bricks alone?