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    Thread: 2016/2017 Steering Committee: Call for Nominations
Post: Re: Tim Gould for 2016/2017 SteerCo

Thanks, guys. But it's only chance that I even saw this message so I must decline.
Tim Gould Announcements 39 56,730 2016-02-12, 20:25
    Thread: Static 5 bars linkage angles calculation
Post: Re: Static 5 bars linkage angles calculation

I guess you can write the whole thing down as a simultaneous equation involving the various angles and radii (or x,y,z values). But I suspect there is no simple "rule of thumb" because, at a glance, i...
Tim Gould General Discussion 12 19,387 2015-10-24, 22:54
    Thread: ME large radius tracks : preliminary coding available
Post: ME large radius tracks : preliminary coding availa...

Hi All, It would be very nice for LDraw to support the new large radius tracks by ME models. Fortunately, Roland Valenduuk (a member here) and Michael Gale (not a member here) have shared with me s...
Tim Gould Parts Authoring 3 5,840 2015-02-04, 6:28
    Thread: 2015/2016 Steering Committee: Call for Nominations
Post: Ben Supnik for 2015/2016 Steering Commit...

I, Tim Gould, would like to nominate Ben Supnik. (be nice to have some fresh blood on board)
Tim Gould Announcements 35 50,762 2015-02-04, 6:18
    Thread: 2015/2016 Steering Committee: Call for Nominations
Post: Re: Tim Gould for 2015/2016 SteerCo

Thanks for the nominations. Going to be a busy IRL year for me so I feel I should decline. Tim
Tim Gould Announcements 35 50,762 2015-02-04, 6:13
    Thread: James Jessiman Memorial Award for 2014 awarded to Sergio Reano
Post: Re: James Jessiman Memorial Award for 2014 awarded...

It is truly a tragedy to give a memorial award as a memorial. I wish only that Sergio could have received his award as we first planned. May Sergio's memory live on in his creations. Tim
Tim Gould Announcements 9 17,316 2015-02-03, 4:07
    Thread: add a new meta 0 !ORIGIN
Post: Re: add a new meta 0 !ORIGIN

I love it. I'd like to see multiple origins allowed so that an editor (if the author felt like it) could add a "select your origin" option with a default to the first appearance or 0 if it's missing. ...
Tim Gould Official File Specifications/Standards 6 12,364 2014-12-28, 20:11
    Thread: Forum Icons
Post: Re: Forum Icons

For whoever makes them (I'd love to but don't have the time right now) I reckon they should be 32x32 to accomodate modern screens.
Tim Gould Help Wanted 10 30,227 2014-12-25, 19:37
    Thread: Changes to the LSC Charter - Feedback wanted
Post: Re: Changes to the LSC Charter - Feedback wanted

Steffen Wrote: -- - I would not like dropping the voting. In fact, all the charta had been introduced to avoid that becomes a personal posession of a small steering group which stays in sea...
Tim Gould General Discussion 16 24,383 2014-12-17, 0:07
    Thread: Changes to the LSC Charter - Feedback wanted
Post: Re: Changes to the LSC Charter - Feedback wanted

Roland Melkert Wrote: -- Also will it still be possible for people to be in both the steerco and lsc? -- Good point. I think it ought to be. But that will require, IMO, a caveat about recusing o...
Tim Gould General Discussion 16 24,383 2014-12-16, 0:09
    Thread: Changes to the LSC Charter - Feedback wanted
Post: Re: Changes to the LSC Charter

Santeri Piippo Wrote: -- ... I think all we need now is a bunch of people to actually ratify community suggestions. So 3 people makes sense for that. ... If anything you could call it 'LDraw Stand...
Tim Gould General Discussion 16 24,383 2014-12-14, 23:44
    Thread: Changes to the LSC Charter - Feedback wanted
Post: [Please discuss] Re: Changes to the LSC Charter

Hi all, While these changes probably won't make much difference to how the LSC (or LFFC) operates in practise, it is vital we hear your thoughts since the changes do decrease direct member involvem...
Tim Gould General Discussion 16 24,383 2014-12-14, 21:57
    Thread: Drawing a cylinder from A to B
Post: Re: Drawing a cylinder from A to B

Roland Melkert Wrote: -- R1 will cause division by zero problems if only Y differs between the two points. -- Yes. There should be a special case for RX=RX=0. In that case 1 16 X1 Y1 Z1 1 0 0 0 ...
Tim Gould Help 5 11,614 2014-11-28, 4:11
    Thread: Drawing conditional lines
Post: Re: let's make this thread sticky

Done. Maybe edit your title back to something descriptive since those links do belong :)
Tim Gould Parts Authoring 13 36,394 2014-11-28, 4:08
    Thread: Drawing a cylinder from A to B
Post: Re: Drawing a cylinder from A to B

Hi Wolstan, Define RX=X2-X1 RY=Y2-Y1 RZ=Z2-Z1 R1=sqrt(RX*RX+RZ*RZ); R3=sqrt(RX*RX+RY*RY+RZ*RZ) V1X=-RZ/R1 V1Y=0 V1Z=RX/R1 V2X=RX*RY/R1/R3 V2Y=-R1/R3 V2Z=RY*RZ/R1/R3 V3X=RX V3Y=...
Tim Gould Help 5 11,614 2014-11-27, 22:13
    Thread: [webGLviewer] - Yet another WebGL viewer
Post: Re: [webGLviewer] - Yet another WebGL viewer

Firstly, bI love how WebGL is now giving us LDraw in the browser :D So thanks to you and the other developers for your work on these renderers. I've not managed to actually look at any models yet. ...
Tim Gould LDraw Editors and Viewers 41 55,251 2014-10-29, 21:16
    Thread: Max Martin Richter appointed as LDraw Content Manager
Post: Re: Max Martin Richter appointed as LDraw Content ...

Thank you very much Max. I feel confident that everything will remain in competent hands :) Tim
Tim Gould Announcements 8 14,163 2014-10-13, 3:40
    Thread: End with a... ?
Post: Re: End with a... ?

Should that be a "0" (zero)? Tim
Tim Gould Parts Authoring 10 14,660 2014-09-26, 20:38
    Thread: Skewing in official parts
Post: Re: Skewing in official parts

I think I've used it before, but couldn't tell you on what part. I just vaguely remember working out the skewing matrix sometime in the past. Perhaps the texmap extension could demand no skewing. I...
Tim Gould Parts Authoring 6 9,635 2014-08-14, 21:08
    Thread: [LDPartEditor] First Alpha Version News (until 2014-09-19)
Post: Re: [LDPartEditor] Imperfect polar caps can't be s...

Would you be willing to share your proof? I'm curious to read it. Tim
Tim Gould Parts Author Tools 106 146,676 2014-07-30, 19:10