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Request for part 3037px7 - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Request for part 3037px7 (/thread-28572.html)

Request for part 3037px7 - Matthew - 2024-12-31

Hello!  Am just sitting here, wondering why Stud.io doesn't have part 3037px7, and come to find out it isn't listed here either.  So, am just making this request known, part 3037px7, please.  That's all.  Thanks, and have a great day!  Rockatoa, Brickticks out!

Oh, and P.S.  I just checked, and a great big thank you to Mr. Gerald Lasser, as he seems to have finished the zeppelin container I was waiting on!  YAY!!!

RE: Request for part 3037px7 - Rene Rechthaler - 2024-12-31

That part seems to be a bit hard due to the fade...
but the base part exists, maybe someone has the part for a good scan?
in the meantime you can use other parts like https://library.ldraw.org/parts/4457
or use two of the many patterned 2x2 slope bricks: https://library.ldraw.org/parts/search/suffix?basepart=3039

RE: Request for part 3037px7 - Philippe Hurbain - 2024-12-31

(2024-12-31, 10:18)Rene Rechthaler Wrote: That part seems to be a bit hard due to the fade...
but the base part exists, maybe someone has the part for a good scan?
When you compose the grainy surface with the gradation and the shiny silver color, it's impossible to get a clean image. This one is probably as good as it can be...

RE: Request for part 3037px7 - Evert-Jan Boer - 2025-01-04

I do have the part somewhere (in red), will try to get a good scan of the pattern. Tricky pattern because of the gradient in the background, perhaps best to work with greytones?

[Image: 16.jpeg]

Scanning the part didn't really work well, took a photo. Some parts are already faded badly, sorry...

RE: Request for part 3037px7 - Javier Orquera - 2025-01-07

The image is from Brickowl; hope it is of use: