Thinking about doing a LDCad 1.7 version

RE: Thinking about doing a LDCad 1.7 version
I realized if you assume all selection points are on a plane, you can drop the setX/setY lines and calculate the plane normal instead of using a static x vector

function onRun()

  local sel=ldc.selection()
  if sel:getRefCount()<3 then

  local a=sel:getRef(1):getPos()
  local b=sel:getRef(2):getPos()
  local c=sel:getRef(3):getPos()

  local ba=a-b
  local bc=c-b

  local n=bc:getCross(ba)

  local bb1=n:getSignedAngle(ba, bc)
  local bb2=math.deg(math.acos(bc:getLength()/ba:getLength()))

  local angle=-(bb1-bb2)


neg y makes it somewhat confusing but i think this should work in any orientation, not tested though.
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RE: Thinking about doing a LDCad 1.7 version - by Roland Melkert - 2020-05-05, 22:07

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