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    Thread: New moulds with hollow studs and inner stopper ring
Post: New moulds with hollow studs and inner stopper rin...

After having recently opened up a small can of worms on the Parts Tracker with introducing the hollow stud with the inner stopper ring, it got me thinking about parts that have this inner stopper ring...
Owen Burgoyne Parts Authoring 10 6,865 2016-01-10, 22:25
    Thread: Technic pin friction primitives
Post: Re: Technic pin friction primitives

I guess that's decided then! From looking at the "Technic connector primitives" on the Primitives Reference page I see about four main friction primitives: short with rounded ends long with round...
Owen Burgoyne Parts Authoring 4 7,082 2015-01-06, 18:09
    Thread: Technic pin friction primitives
Post: Technic pin friction primitives

When I uploaded 18651 a month ago Philo suggested that a new "blind" confric primitive might be suitable as there is currently some primitive overlap within the part. I started putting one together wh...
Owen Burgoyne Parts Authoring 4 7,082 2015-01-05, 18:37
    Thread: LGEO Parts Update
Post: Re: LGEO Parts Update

Hi Koos Jan, I've had a look at the current zip file that I've had online since the first post I made, and can see the "lg_rubber_light_gray" colour defined in both the "LGEO.xml" and "
Owen Burgoyne Rendering Techniques 6 13,467 2012-11-16, 18:54
    Thread: LGEO Parts Update
Post: LGEO Parts Update

Hello all. After some correspondence with Willy, I thought I'd post a link to an LGEO update I've been working on, the progress of which I have been posting over at Eurobricks (http://www.eurobrick...
Owen Burgoyne Rendering Techniques 6 13,467 2012-09-01, 10:39
    Thread: Importance of stud orientation?
Post: Re: Importance of stud orientation?

Before sending Chris the files, would replacing multiple studs with stud groups also be considered "simple/trivial"? That's literally the only other change I've made to some of these files (where appr...
Owen Burgoyne Parts Authoring 16 18,252 2012-08-05, 17:23
    Thread: Importance of stud orientation?
Post: Re: Importance of stud orientation?

I can put together a few of the parts that I've found and edited, and attach a link this weekend. Most of the edits are for accuracy, although I have a couple of "~" parts which just create a more ...
Owen Burgoyne Parts Authoring 16 18,252 2012-08-03, 16:50
    Thread: Importance of stud orientation?
Post: Re: Importance of stud orientation?

Thank you all for your clarification. I guess there is a chance that adding a logo to every stud or part that requires one could cause a slowdown during display, although most home machines would have...
Owen Burgoyne Parts Authoring 16 18,252 2012-07-26, 17:00
    Thread: Importance of stud orientation?
Post: Importance of stud orientation?

While creating new LDraw parts I've paid particular attention to the orientation of the studs to ensure that the parts look as accurate as possible. One thing I've noticed in the LDraw library (and...
Owen Burgoyne Parts Authoring 16 18,252 2012-07-25, 20:29
    Thread: 98282: Vehicle, Mudguard 4 x 2 1/2 x 1 with Arch Round
Post: Re: 98282: Vehicle, Mudguard 4 x 2 1/2 x 1 with Ar...

Fantastic! Thank you!
Owen Burgoyne Part Requests 2 5,796 2012-07-07, 14:30
    Thread: Updated 577.dat and Lightsabre shortcut discussion.
Post: Re: Updated 577.dat and Lightsabre shortcut discus...

If there are plans to look at the way this part is set up in LDraw, would it perhaps also make sense to make the name of the part more accurate? "Lightsaber" is the official spelling, and it is tec...
Owen Burgoyne Parts Authoring 5 6,905 2012-06-27, 17:19
  Thumbs Up Thread: 98282: Vehicle, Mudguard 4 x 2 1/2 x 1 with Arch Round
Post: 98282: Vehicle, Mudguard 4 x 2 1/2 x 1 with Arch R...

98282: Vehicle Mudguard 4 x 2 1/2 x 1 with Arch Round I've not been able to find it in the Part Tracker, so if anyone is able to create a version of this piece (
Owen Burgoyne Part Requests 2 5,796 2012-06-22, 17:20
    Thread: Question abouth procedure and Part Author ethics
Post: Re: Question abouth procedure and Part Author ethi...

Hi all, I've just started tinkering with parts authoring, and I have a question in regards to author clarification. I've had a look through the forums, as well as what I can of while some...
Owen Burgoyne Parts Authoring 10 13,033 2012-06-04, 11:27