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make parts that do not resemble to LEGO style - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: make parts that do not resemble to LEGO style (/thread-9269.html)

make parts that do not resemble to LEGO style - Mario Felicioni - 2013-07-06

Hello. I'm new of this forum. I would like to know if I can technically make parts that do not resemble to LEGO style and if you can give me a detailed tutorial to learn how to do it. Thanks.

Re: make parts that do not resemble to LEGO style - Michael Heidemann - 2013-07-07

That is possible. There are already several libraries available in the web that do not relate to LEGO bricks. The technic for creating parts is the same as for LEGO bricks. So there is no need for an additional tutorial to create other parts. Smile

Re: make parts that do not resemble to LEGO style - Willy Tschager - 2013-07-08

Some links can be found at the website:


A VERY basic part authoring tutorial can be found on my personal site:



Re: make parts that do not resemble to LEGO style - Gerald Lasser - 2013-07-09

It is definately possible, and not only for buidling blocks. I used the LDRAW file-standard to get a graphical representation of data that was too much for MS-Excel. I had a macro generating me the .LDR file and then use LDView to visualize it. Was an easy way for me to aid analysis of problems/bottlenecks in communication systems as you could zoom in and fly around with ease...

see a sample here


Re: make parts that do not resemble to LEGO style - Nicola - 2013-07-16

NPU (nice program usage)! It's true, the file format is so easy that's it can be generated by a simple script. I must keep this trick in mind, it could be useful in future Smile

Re: make parts that do not resemble to LEGO style - Travis Cobbs - 2013-07-16

FYI, in case you didn't already know, there's a documented, but otherwise hidden LDView setting that allows LDView to run on a computer without the the LDraw library being present on the computer. Do a search in LDView's help for VerifyLDrawDir if you're interested in using it.