New Lead Theme "How To" - Michael Heidemann - 2012-11-13
I would like to see a new lead theme where everybody can send his How to's to.
Here an example:
The first line should be the subject/headline:
How to fix a portion of wrong winding in a file with DATHeader
If you have for example a file where at some point the winding is changed:
Code: 0 BFC CW
1 16 5.899 86 -55.174 1.029 -0.751882 0 0 0 2 1.1735 1 0 rect2p.dat
5 24 4.8702 88 -56.347 4.8702 84 -56.347 6.9282 88 -54 2.0705 88 -57.7273
5 24 6.9282 88 -54 6.9282 84 -54 4.8702 88 -56.347 10.9282 88 -47.0718
4 16 -4 88 -56.9282 -2.0706 88 -57.7274 -2.0521 88 -55.6382 -3 88 -55.1962
4 16 2.0706 88 -57.7274 4.8702 88 -56.347 3.6526 88 -54.7603 2.0521 88 -55.6382
4 16 4.8702 88 -56.347 6.9282 88 -54 5.1961 88 -53 3.6526 88 -54.7603
Go to the Editor Tab. Mark the lines between both BFC statements. Click the right mouse button and choose from the context menu „Reverse Winding“.
You will got the following code:
Code: 0 BFC CW
1 16 5.899 86 -55.174 1.029 -0.751882 0 0 0 2 1.1735 1 0 rect2p.dat
5 24 4.8702 88 -56.347 4.8702 84 -56.347 6.9282 88 -54 2.0705 88 -57.7273
5 24 6.9282 88 -54 6.9282 84 -54 4.8702 88 -56.347 10.9282 88 -47.0718
4 16 -3 88 -55.1962 -2.0521 88 -55.6382 -2.0706 88 -57.7274 -4 88 -56.9282
4 16 2.0521 88 -55.6382 3.6526 88 -54.7603 4.8702 88 -56.347 2.0706 88 -57.7274
4 16 3.6526 88 -54.7603 5.1961 88 -53 6.9282 88 -54 4.8702 88 -56.347
Now delete both BFC statement lines.
Code: 1 16 5.899 86 -55.174 1.029 -0.751882 0 0 0 2 1.1735 1 0 rect2p.dat
5 24 4.8702 88 -56.347 4.8702 84 -56.347 6.9282 88 -54 2.0705 88 -57.7273
5 24 6.9282 88 -54 6.9282 84 -54 4.8702 88 -56.347 10.9282 88 -47.0718
4 16 -3 88 -55.1962 -2.0521 88 -55.6382 -2.0706 88 -57.7274 -4 88 -56.9282
4 16 2.0521 88 -55.6382 3.6526 88 -54.7603 4.8702 88 -56.347 2.0706 88 -57.7274
4 16 3.6526 88 -54.7603 5.1961 88 -53 6.9282 88 -54 4.8702 88 -56.347
Now hit the "commit code changes" button. You can now save the file.
Re: New Lead Theme "How To" - Tim Gould - 2012-11-13
Follow the crumbs from the main page of the wiki. Please edit the article (e.g. formating) and sign off to give yourself some credit.