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[Complete] New Brick Separator - Printable Version

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New Brick Separator - Eric Albrecht - 2012-07-19

I'm working on the graphics for a book to be published soon and need to make some pictures which use the new orange brick separator.  As far as I can tell, only the old dark gray one exists in LDraw.  I'd love it if the new one was available to make the book more current.

Eric Albrecht

Re: New Brick Separator - Rolf Osterthun - 2012-07-19

Hey Eric,

this part is avalable in the LDD. The part number is 96874 (see bricklink).

I attached a first draft (original part shape is from LDD).


Re: New Brick Separator - Eric Albrecht - 2012-07-19

Thanks, this is good enough for my needs.