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LDPatternCreator - Release 1.3.0 - Printable Version

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LDPatternCreator - Release 1.3.0 - Nils Schmidt - 2012-03-27


well, my target release was planned for 2012-06-01 but.. times have changed Wink

Here is the new LPC 1.3.0.

Please uninstall older versions of this software before installing a new version.

Change log:

New features:
  • You can activate the overlap/T-junction detector by clicking on “Edit->Detect Triangle Overlaps”
  • The application is translated into three different languages (English, French, German)
  • You can create 1 or 2 triangles by selecting 3 or 4 vertices when “Add Triangle” is activated
  • Colours can be replaced after the Rectifier-post-process (click on “File->Replace Colours on Export..”)
  • You can set the center of a group/subfile
  • You can configure the zoom level (click on “View->Zoom” or double click the zoom label [“Zoom: … %”])
  • You can manipulate the transformation matrix of primitives/groups
  • You can select overlapping/covered triangles with two or more mouse clicks while pressing the CTRL key
  • You can “cut” the polygon of a template with the CUT keyword in the template definition file
  • You can deselect a selected vertex/triangle when you click on it while holding the CTRL key
  • You can move/rotate/scale selected things, one tick at a time, using keyboard up/down/right left.
  • The rotate mode is improved.
  • The colour palette is now resizable
Fixed Major Bugs:
  • The projection data import and the projected export is now ready for use

(see full list of tickets for 1.3.0)

I included a short README.pdf in the installation directory.

Cheers & Leg Godt


Re: LDPatternCreator - Release 1.3.0 - Philippe Hurbain - 2012-03-28

"well, my target release was planned for 2012-06-01 but.. times have changed Wink"
...and the weather is certainly closer to June than March Wink

One problem: the LDraw folder is not remembered between sessions (Win XP)...
(edit): same problem on my Win7 box...
...and why didn't you bundled the new Rectifier 1.7?

Re: LDPatternCreator - Release 1.3.0 - Nils Schmidt - 2012-03-28

"One problem: the LDraw folder is not remembered between sessions (Win XP)...
(edit): same problem on my Win7 box..."
Could you attach the "Config.cfg" file from your application directory, please?

"...and why didn't you bundled the new Rectifier 1.7?"
Sorry, I forgot to include v1.7.. Thanks for the hint.
I will publish a bug-fix release (1.3.1) in the next week.

Re: LDPatternCreator - Release 1.3.0 - Philippe Hurbain - 2012-03-29

Attached both config files.
I'll try to come back later with a list of bugs and wishes Wink

Re: LDPatternCreator - Release 1.3.0 - Philippe Hurbain - 2012-03-29

Here's a few:
- Add 6 vertices, add triangles between the 4 first points, then the 4 last points (using very fast mode). Hit undo. It's now impossible to redraw triangles between the last 4 points.
- Probably related: Add 6 vertices, add triangles between the 4 first points, then the 4 last points (using very fast mode). Hit undo twice. Here you can add again triangles, using any method. Remove again the triangles using undo. At some point you'll get a crash.
- When 4 points are not in a convex configuration, there are several possible triangulations. LPC choses one according to vertices order (? - or vertices selection order?). This can result in many different triangluations, including overlapped wrong one (attached 4points_concave.lpc.txt)
- When 3 points among 4 are almost aligned, it would be great if LPC choosed the best triangulation (attached almostflat.lpc.txt)

Re: LDPatternCreator - Release 1.3.0 - Nils Schmidt - 2012-03-29

I found the bug in my sourcecode and attached the fixed Config.cfg's to this post.
Fortunately, I could reproduce the error! Smile Thanks, Philo.

There is a second workaround for this problem. Just click on "Language->English" (or another) and the LDraw dialog will dissapear on the next start of the application.

Re: LDPatternCreator - Release 1.3.0 - Philippe Hurbain - 2012-03-29

Works perfectly - actually I used the 2nd workaround. Thanks!

Re: LDPatternCreator - Release 1.3.0 - Nils Schmidt - 2012-04-06

Philippe \Philo\" Hurbain Wrote:- Add 6 vertices, add triangles between the 4 first points, then the 4 last points (using very fast mode). Hit undo. It's now impossible to redraw triangles between the last 4 points.
- Probably related: Add 6 vertices, add triangles between the 4 first points, then the 4 last points (using very fast mode). Hit undo twice. Here you can add again triangles, using any method. Remove again the triangles using undo. At some point you'll get a crash.

I was able to reproduce these errors. Now they are fixed. - Thank you!

Philippe \Philo\" Hurbain Wrote:- When 4 points are not in a convex configuration, there are several possible triangulations. LPC choses one according to vertices order (? - or vertices selection order?). This can result in many different triangluations, including overlapped wrong one (attached 4points_concave.lpc.txt)
- When 3 points among 4 are almost aligned, it would be great if LPC choosed the best triangulation (attached almostflat.lpc.txt)

I implemented a clever solution for this. From now on LPC will choose the best triangulation and prevent the creation of convex "quads".

All mentioned changes will be included in the next release 1.3.2.