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advice on ring primitives - Printable Version

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advice on ring primitives - Peter Blomberg - 2025-03-08

I need a 1-6 ring primitive. It does not yet exist in the size I need or any size near the correct size. Which option is best?

a) create the 1-6 ring as a new primitive,
b) combine a 1-8 ring primitive with a rotated 1-24 ring primitive (both exist in a nearby size),
b) use the 1-8 ring as primitive and add the two missing segments as quads,
c) define all segments as quads, i.e. not use primitives.

RE: advice on ring primitives - Rene Rechthaler - 2025-03-08

1-6 is hi-res?
what size do you need? for what? are there other prims (cyli/o/c or disc/chrd/ndis) next to it?
you can generate prims yourself with the PrimGen (included in the LDPE)
there you can define inner/outer diameter and let it generate the prim...
maybe also check the rings+cones tool in LDPE to check if it can be done with something else.

RE: advice on ring primitives - Gerald Lasser - 2025-03-08

generally speaking every prim that is required and is smaller that 1-4 can/should be create if it is not existing. Try to avoid to rotate prims by anglesĀ  other than 90 deg to make a another one, e.g. combinign ring primitives.

As Rene suggested use the PrimGen of LDPE to generate it.

RE: advice on ring primitives - Peter Blomberg - 2025-03-09

Thanks for the replies. I will henceforth create any missing prim smaller than 1-4.