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Part 3938 Hinge 1 x 2 Top - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Part 3938 Hinge 1 x 2 Top (/thread-28503.html)

Part 3938 Hinge 1 x 2 Top - Chris Böhnke - 2024-11-11

Hello everyone,

I have been wondering of this part (3938) may require an update:


I guess the reason for not adding the little holes in the first place was the assumption they are similar to underside pin holes?

However I don't think this should apply here:
1) It is an easily visible area NOT underneath the part.
2) The holes probably have a connection point. They can connect to 2 LDU bars (helmet feathers and such), although I am not sure this was intentional.
3) Unlike bricks/plates with underside pins, this part never appeared without the holes.

This part always looked odd to me in renders, when the holes are missing - clearly marking it as a "non real" part.

What do you think?

RE: Part 3938 Hinge 1 x 2 Top - Orion Pobursky - 2024-11-11

Feel free to add them and submit the fix.

RE: Part 3938 Hinge 1 x 2 Top - Chris Böhnke - 2024-11-11

Ok, thanks Smile