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10169p01 - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: 10169p01 (/thread-28494.html)

10169p01 - Sylvain Sauvage - 2024-11-06

Hi, there’s a problem with the decor on this part: some triangles are in White instead of 16, adding a square in the $.

[Image: dollar.png]

(Sorry, I’m confused with the procedure to correct recent parts….  And the forum doesn’t seem to like my image.)

RE: 10169p01 - Orion Pobursky - 2024-11-06

Fix it, add a history line, submit as a fix.

RE: 10169p01 - Sylvain Sauvage - 2024-11-06

Okay, done.
I always thought there was something about not walking on someone else’s turf.

RE: 10169p01 - Orion Pobursky - 2024-11-07

Awesome, thanks for the fix.

The general rules are outlined here:

Basically, official parts are open to anyone for fixing.

RE: 10169p01 - Philippe Hurbain - 2024-11-07

(2024-11-07, 0:50)Orion Pobursky Wrote: Basically, official parts are open to anyone for fixing.
Something that bothers me is that I can't certify this useful fix (as the original author I guess, no certify button)...

RE: 10169p01 - Orion Pobursky - 2024-11-07

(2024-11-07, 8:38)Philippe Hurbain Wrote: Something that bothers me is that I can't certify this useful fix (as the original author I guess, no certify button)...

I already have an issue open about that.