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Flag 2 x 2 with Blue and Yellow Rectangle Pattern (Sticker) - Printable Version

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Flag 2 x 2 with Blue and Yellow Rectangle Pattern (Sticker) - Eugen - 2024-10-06

I just authored draft of 2335pb024.dat part (from 3825-1 and 3833-1 sets)

UPDATE: Files submitted to PT: LeoCAD screenshot:


RE: Flag 2 x 2 with Blue and Yellow Rectangle Pattern (Sticker) - Rene Rechthaler - 2024-10-06

Hello, looks ok, but there are a few things:
-the part has only one sticker applied (on one side)
-the sticker itself has to be another separate file
-that sticker is numbered like the sticker sheet
-> in that case 56214 and its the first sticker of that sheet, so use index a -> 56214a.dat
-that sticker is also on another sticker sheet (64846)
-> make an alias named 64846a.dat with ~(Title) and link it to the first one
-each of them on a separate sticker assembly
(idk if CC0 is still allowed, most have CC BY 4.0)
(you dont need that 0 NOFILE, that is an Studio artefact)
(could use "K (Kilo)" as a keyword from the maritime flag alphabet)
(and maybe even "Ukraine" because of the colors)

RE: Flag 2 x 2 with Blue and Yellow Rectangle Pattern (Sticker) - Orion Pobursky - 2024-10-06

CC0 is allowed but not (yet) supported by the PT. You can submit under CC BY 4 and convert to CC0 when the PT is ready.

RE: Flag 2 x 2 with Blue and Yellow Rectangle Pattern (Sticker) - Magnus Forsberg - 2024-10-06

(2024-10-06, 17:26)Rene Rechthaler Wrote: -that sticker is numbered like the sticker sheet
-> in that case 56214 and its the first sticker of that sheet, so use index a -> 56214a.dat

"Stickers from sheets with combo 5-digit/7-digit numbers should use the 7-digit number. "


RE: Flag 2 x 2 with Blue and Yellow Rectangle Pattern (Sticker) - Eugen - 2024-10-06

I just updated the first post with corrected part and sticker files.

  • removed second sticker from the 2335pb024.dat part;
  • splitted sticker into separate 4294106a.dat, and created 4538725d.dat alias file;
    (stickers numbered with the 7-digit sheet code + subset number in letter, counted from top left corner if place stickers sheet with a LEGO manufacturing label to be at the bottom; for 4538725d.dat title name started with "~")
  • set CC BY 4.0 license
  • added "K (Kilo)" and "Ukraine" to keywords list

Check if this OK now or need more changes.

RE: Flag 2 x 2 with Blue and Yellow Rectangle Pattern (Sticker) - Rene Rechthaler - 2024-10-06

i think the sticker and its alias should use only the set they are in...
do we need a second flag+sticker shortcut with the other (alias) sticker?

RE: Flag 2 x 2 with Blue and Yellow Rectangle Pattern (Sticker) - Magnus Forsberg - 2024-10-06

(2024-10-06, 19:30)Eugen Wrote: I just updated the first post with corrected part and sticker files.

  • removed second sticker from the 2335pb024.dat part;
  • splitted sticker into separate 4294106a.dat, and created 4538725d.dat alias file;
    (stickers numbered  with the 7-digit sheet code + subset number in letter, counted from top left corner if place stickers sheet with a LEGO manufacturing label to be at the bottom; for 4538725d.dat title name started with "~")
  • set CC BY 4.0 license
  • added "K (Kilo)" and "Ukraine" to keywords list

Check if this OK now or need more changes.

A file must have Parttype as "Unofficial_....." to be uploaded.


Alias parts use a different prefix character. Not ~

RE: Flag 2 x 2 with Blue and Yellow Rectangle Pattern (Sticker) - Rene Rechthaler - 2024-10-06

Sorry mixed that up...
~ is moved to
= is alias
the stickers itself need "0 !LDRAW_ORG Unofficial_Part", the assemblys "0 !LDRAW_ORG Unofficial_Shortcut"
and the Author line is normally "Full Name [Nickname]" (better ask Orion what has been registered, it will get you an error otherwise)

RE: Flag 2 x 2 with Blue and Yellow Rectangle Pattern (Sticker) - Orion Pobursky - 2024-10-06

(2024-10-06, 20:57)Magnus Forsberg Wrote: A file must have Parttype as "Unofficial_....." to be uploaded.

The PT doesn't care. It'll change "Part" to "Unofficial_Part" automatically.

RE: Flag 2 x 2 with Blue and Yellow Rectangle Pattern (Sticker) - Magnus Forsberg - 2024-10-06

(2024-10-06, 21:32)Rene Rechthaler Wrote: Sorry mixed that up...
~ is moved to
= is alias
the stickers itself need "0 !LDRAW_ORG Unofficial_Part", the assemblys "0 !LDRAW_ORG Unofficial_Shortcut"
and the Author line is normally "Full Name [Nickname]" (better ask Orion what has been registered, it will get you an error otherwise)

Don't give him the right answers. Wink
He needs to read the specs, and learn to find the correct one.

RE: Flag 2 x 2 with Blue and Yellow Rectangle Pattern (Sticker) - Eugen - 2024-10-07

Updated the first post with corrected part and sticker files.

  • sticker and its alias use only the set they are in;
  • set "=" for alias title name;
  • added "Unofficial_Part/_Shortcut";
  • splited 2335pb024.dat into subsets: 2335pb024s1.dat and 2335pb024s2.dat;

Not sure, what to do with 2335pb024.dat, but for now I just removed it.

Check if it OK now.

NOTE: About "Full Name" - sorry, but I would not provide this. I think "Eugen [Eugen]" is enough to identify exact LDraw.org user by nickname on forum.
Othewise, I'm releasing this parts as CCO (public domain), so any LDraw core member could just pick all attached files, add own name as Author and upload it PT.

RE: Flag 2 x 2 with Blue and Yellow Rectangle Pattern (Sticker) - Orion Pobursky - 2024-10-08

(2024-10-07, 12:23)Eugen Wrote: NOTE: About "Full Name" - sorry, but I would not provide this. I think "Eugen [Eugen]" is enough to identify exact LDraw.org user by nickname on forum.

While we have precedence for this, I strongly discourage one name "Real" names.

RE: Flag 2 x 2 with Blue and Yellow Rectangle Pattern (Sticker) - Eugen - 2024-10-08

(2024-10-08, 15:21)Orion Pobursky Wrote: While we have precedence for this, I strongly discourage one name "Real" names.

My nickname is real name, but not full.

Anyway, check are part files are complete. If parts need further improvement, tell me what else need to change.

If parts are OK, and my first name+nickname pair is enough to set authorship under CC-BY, pull files to PT.

If my first name+nickname pair is not enough, I'm granting these parts files to LDraw.org as CC0 (Public Domain), and asking the Team to pull it to PT without mentioning me as author (so uploader could set CC-BY and add own name as author).

RE: Flag 2 x 2 with Blue and Yellow Rectangle Pattern (Sticker) - Orion Pobursky - 2024-10-08

(2024-10-08, 16:26)Eugen Wrote: My nickname is real name, but not full.

Anyway, check are part files are complete. If parts need further improvement, tell me what else need to change.

If parts are OK, and my first name+nickname pair is enough to set authorship under CC-BY, pull files to PT.

If my first name+nickname pair is not enough, I'm granting these parts files to LDraw.org as CC0 (Public Domain), and asking the Team to pull it to PT without mentioning me as author (so uploader could set CC-BY and add own name as author).

You misunderstand me. While I would prefer a real name, it's not required. I'm not trying to dox, dead name, or impose my will in anyway. In the end, I value contribution, participation, and good-willed community over enforcing our traditions.

That said, I have created a PT account for you. Ensure you are logged into the forums and the first time you try to submit it will ask you to affirm the CA.

RE: Flag 2 x 2 with Blue and Yellow Rectangle Pattern (Sticker) - Eugen - 2024-10-08

(2024-10-08, 19:18)Orion Pobursky Wrote: You misunderstand me.

That said, I have created a PT account for you. Ensure you are logged into the forums and the first time you try to submit it will ask you to affirm the CA.

Sorry for misunderstud you.

Thanks for creating PT account. Files now submitted to PT and corrected a bit. These files should be relicensed to CC0 once PT would implement it (I left a comment with this notice for uploaded files).

Also, updated topic header with new LeoCAD screenshot.