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Lego Elephant cleaning request and add eyes on its head - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Lego Elephant cleaning request and add eyes on its head (/thread-28397.html)

Lego Elephant cleaning request and add eyes on its head - Zoltán Tibor - 2024-09-02

Dear All! :-)

Here are some raw dat files for the Lego Elephant.

.dat   77071_raw.dat (Size: 534.74 KB / Downloads: 5)

.dat   77046_raw.dat (Size: 213.61 KB / Downloads: 5)

.dat   37297_raw.dat (Size: 499 bytes / Downloads: 4)

.dat   37297a_raw.dat (Size: 58.55 KB / Downloads: 6)

.dat   37297b_raw.dat (Size: 23.21 KB / Downloads: 5)


Could you please somebody cleaned it? And could you please somebody add eyes on the elephant head?

Thank you very much! :-)

RE: Lego Elephant cleaning request and add eyes on its head - Rene Rechthaler - 2024-09-02

the trunk is already uploaded, but needs lots of work:
is wiktor still here?
(part hasnt been updated for 4 years)
the tusks are here: https://library.ldraw.org/official/7541

RE: Lego Elephant cleaning request and add eyes on its head - Jeff Jones - 2024-09-02

i is reworking trunk

RE: Lego Elephant cleaning request and add eyes on its head - Rene Rechthaler - 2024-09-02

looks like you could cut it in half and mirror it
(the stud and connhole should stay in the main file)